THE SQUARE is a great way to connect with people and events around Noblesville First!
- View the church’s pictorial directory
- Edit your own profile information
- View the church calendar & your own personal calendar
- View the groups you are participating in & positions you hold
- Share with your groups
- View your giving record
- Check out events you might be interested in,
- Communicate with other members
- If you decide you don't want to be part of the community, you can request to be "unlisted" and merely discontinue using it at anytime.
How do I get started?
- Click the SIGN UP button to request a username and password.
- Check your email and retrieve your username and password. Please allow for up to 48 hours for this email to arrive.
- Follow the instructions in the welcome email.
- Change your password to something easy to remember.
- Update your personal information.
- Watch the "Start Here" video to hear about some of The Square's features.