Dear Noblesville First Family,
If I had to choose one word to describe our last year in ministry, it would be MIRACULOUS. When I began in ministry a little over a year ago, many of you shared three great challenges we were facing:
- a steep decline in our worship attendance,
- a struggle to reach new people (especially families), and
- the lingering effects of the global pandemic on our ministry.It would not have been an unfair assessment to say it would take a miracle to revitalize our ministry.Yet, over this last year I have witnessed God do just that—work miracles in, through, and because of the generosity of Noblesville First United Methodist Church.
These miracles can be seen as we focus on families.
- Building of our Grace Space—a transitional space to welcome families into worship
- Offering of Children’s Sunday School for the first time at every worship service
- Launching our Arts & Music Academy in partnership with the Belfry Theatre
- Relaunching our Youth Group and Devos & Donuts for Youth
- Renovation of The Vine Youth Ministry Space
- Record breaking enrollment of the Preschool—263 children!
Click here to view the annual report in its entirety.